Tips To Win Sports Betting

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  1. Sports Betting How To Guide
  2. How To Win Sports Bets Every Time
  3. How To Win A Betting

Sports betting tips its a team of expert tipsters that offer free predictions and strategies that work. It's all about the odds! Get free tips daily from professional betting tipsters with years of experience. Expert tips that will help you learn how to win easy money betting on sports, sure tips for a sure win. How to Win at Sports Betting. Betting on sports games is a hobby for many, and most people just consider it to be a fun and friendly past time. But there are ways to consistently make money on sports betting, and the tricks are.

As legal sports betting continues to grow at an astronomical rate, so do the dreams of users who are looking to make money off of something they love. After all, there are plenty of stories out there about legendary hustlers beating the books long-term.

Someone has to join them, so it may as well be you — right? Those new to the game will generally come to terms with an indisputable fact pretty quickly: Turning a profit from betting on sports is really tough.

But wait — what about those guaranteed picks and locks of the week that are constantly floating around? How about those simple systems like going against the public that bettors are making serious bank off of?

Unfortunately, there are no guarantees when it comes to betting on sports. That's true no matter how finely tuned a system may be. Those who claim to be able to project it all out with 100% certainty just aren't being truthful.

So does anybody ever win at sports betting or is it all so unpredictable that you'll wind up getting nowhere while your money is drained? As always, the truth lies somewhere in the middle, so you should look at betting as a form of entertainment and wager responsibly.

For those looking for something more than that, it's possible to build your skills up to a level at which you can turn a profit, but it's going to take some doing. Read on as we explore how towin at sports betting one simple step at a time.

Let's define 'winning' at sports betting

Picture this: You're scrolling around social media and come across a pic of a big winning ticket that was recently cashed. That means that the person who made the huge score is a winning bettor, right?

Not necessarily. While you may know the amount of the single wager that person placed, you need more details to determine overallprofitability. How much has that person wagered in total versus that person's actual winnings since starting out?

The answer to that question can be a real eye-opener. A single big score may make you feel like a winner, but closer examination may reveal that you've actually spent more than you've won on a long-termbasis.

OK, but what if you're winning more often than you lose? That means you're a winner, no? Maybe, but it still comes down to what you've made versus what you've spent. If your winners are coming at less-than-favorable odds, then you may actually be losing money.

We'll explain why that is in a bit (hint — sportsbooks are for-profit entities and charge a vig for facilitating wagers), but just know that merely winning over 50% of your wagers doesn't guarantee that you'll turn a profit.

On a long-term basis, there just aren't that many bettors who will consistently beat the books. After all, if it were that easy, books would have some trouble staying in business, no? The well-run ones certainly have no problems on that front, so let that sink in.

To be clear, there are professional sports bettors out there, as well as plenty of folks who aim or claim to be. Getting to the point at which you actually turn a long-term profit is very challenging, and it's a trick that only a few can turn as a result.

Understanding vig and how it works

When it comes to sports betting, there is one guaranteed winner that you can bank on: the sportsbooks themselves. They'll make money in the long run, but we can't say the same for scores of bettors.

Beyond the net hold on losing bets versus payouts on winners, sportsbooks also make money thanks to what's known as vig. Also known as juice, this is basically akin to a commission being charged for placing bets, and it's built into the odds you see.

To demonstrate, let's consider a standard point spreadbet. The default odds on both sides are set at -110, and it may fluctuate from there based on betting action.

  • Baltimore Ravens +3.5 (-110)
  • Pittsburgh Steelers -3.5 (-110)

The Steelers are favored by 3.5 points for this contest. The odds are the same on both sides, so you'd make the same for a winning wager in either direction. A winning $100 bet at odds of -110 returns a profit of $90.91.

So why don't you just double your money? That's because of the vig. The book is keeping 9.1% of the return in this case as juice. In order to profit long-term, you not only have to win more often than you lose, but you also have to beat thevig.

The amount of the vig isn't always clear cut, either, such as in the case of a moneylinebet. For these wagers, the numbers can be vastly different on both sides

  • New York Yankees +105
  • Los Angeles Dodgers -125

For a quick calculation, if you bet $100 on the Yankees, you'd get $105 back for a winner. To get $100 back on the Dodgers, you'd have to wager $125. Armed with that information, we can then work through some quick formulas to find the vig.

  • Bet $125 on Dodgers to win $100.
  • Total return of $225.
  • Amount of wager divided by total return gives us the implied probability: 125/225 = 55.5%.
  • Bet $100 on Yankees to win $105.
  • Total return of $205.
  • Implied probability: 100/205 = 48.8%.

If we add together the implied probability that we found on both sides — 55.5 + 48.8 — we get a total of 104.3. One side is going to win while the other will lose in a coin flip scenario, so that works out to 50/50, or 100%.

The implied probability according to the odds checks in at 104.3%, so what gives? The amount over 100% equals the vig being charged by the book on the bet, which in this case is 4.3%.

Sportsbooks are in the business of making money. The vig is always there, no matter how well disguised it may be. It's one the biggest hurdles for consistent and sustained profitability, so understanding how it impacts the bottom line is imperative.

How often do you need to win at sports betting to make money?

Let's say that you approach the NFL betting season with a plan to place 100 point spread bets over the course of the year with the goal of winning more than you lose to turn a profit. The season plays out, and you post a record of 51-49.

Have you made money? Here's how the math works out using a wager size of $100 per game and standard odds of -110.

  • Total bet: 100 * $100 = $10,000
  • Winning wagers: 51 * $100 = $5,100
  • Profit on winnings: 51 * $90.91 = $4,636.41
  • Complete losses: 49 * $100 = $4,900

We hit on 51 bets, so the $5,100 laid out comes back to us, as does a profit of $4,636.41 for a total of $9,736.41. The 49 losing bets are gone with nothing to show for them. If we take our total amount wagered of $10,000 and subtract $9,736.41, we have a loss of $263.59.

Even though you had more winners than losers, you still lost money. That's because you didn't earn enough to beat the vig. Just to break even against the juice, you'd need to hit 52.4% of yourbets.

If you manage to win more than that, then you're turning a profit. Those who bet regularly and at a decent amount of volume would be pretty happy with a 55%-56% win rate, while those who are absolutely crushing it are at 60% or more.

When you consider the touts who promise 'guaranteed winners' and extraordinary won-loss records, that may not sound like much. On the other hand, that should place it in even better perspective: Those claiming to win at even greater clips are telling some rather tall tales.

What is a betting unit?

A betting unit refers to the amount you are placing in play on a game. In order to accurately measure your results — and to properly manage your bankroll — many successful sports bettors subscribe to the theory that your unit size should be the same for each game.

Additionally, a unit should be in proportion to your overall bankroll. If you have a total of $1,000 to play with, a conservative gambler may only want to place 1% at risk at any time, so the unit size is $10.

For those with larger amounts at their disposal, the unit size climbs accordingly. Also, the ratio of units per bankroll can vary based on your strategy and risk tolerance. For a general ballpark, it's 1%-2% at the low end and up to 5% for those who are more aggressive.

What is bankroll management?

Your bankroll refers to the total funds you have available for sportsbetting. This can be money that you hold on site, as well as an amount you would be comfortable depositing as needed to replenish the roll.

It's important to remember that betting on sports is risky. There's a good chance that you'll lose, so you should be betting only with amounts you are comfortablewith. If you treat it as entertainment, then the expenditure should be in line with what you'd spend elsewhere.

There is absolutely zero justification for putting funds at risk that you would need for other purposes, such as paying your bills or buying food. If you hope to have anything resembling long-term success, then understand and subscribe to the concepts of responsiblegambling.

Tips To Win Sports Betting

How much money should I bet on each sports game?

The answer to this question is based on the total size of yourbankroll. For one bettor, wagering $100 on a single game may work fine, while another may be better served by betting a nominal amount such as $20.

As outlined earlier, your total betting bankroll should be based on what you can afford to lose without issue. While no one wants to think of the possibility of losing it all, it's not out of the ordinary to have that happen.

That being the case, the level of your bankroll shouldn't be causing you discomfort. If it does, then you've allocated too much for sports betting. When you land on a number that won't cause you any hardship if you lose, that's a good starting point for your roll.

For the individual games, it's a good idea to stick to a certain percentage per wager. This can range from 1%-5% depending on your risk tolerance and long-term goals. For example, if you have a $5,000 bankroll with a maximum of 2% per wager, your unit size is $100.

How to win consistently at sports betting

There's no one magic bullet that will guarantee that you will find success with betting on sports. Instead, it's a matter of putting together a lot of different moving pieces as you continuously try to solve the puzzle. To help in your quest to get to that point, there are some tried and true principles that you can lean on.

  1. Understand the importance of bankroll management: If you don't manage your funds well, then you'll be replenishing your account an awful lot. Your bankroll needs to be respected and valued. It can help to think of your wagering dollars as soldiers. The idea is to bring them back home safely, and hopefully with some friends trailing along. You should have a strict budget in place for your total roll, as well as for each individual bet that you plan to make.
  2. Instill a strong sense of discipline into your approach: Everyone wants to hit a home run, but there are plenty of singles and doubles hitters who wind up doing quite well, too. For sports betting, the name of the game is to turn a profit. You'll have a much better chance of doing so if you can impart a sense of discipline into your game. Taking a wild approach where you wing it and constantly go for the gusto is not a recipe for sustained success.
  3. Have a willingness to adapt and constantly improve: No matter how finely tuned of a handicapping system you may have, you'll take your share of lumps along the way. There may even be bad rough patches in which you can't seem to get anything right. As opposed to continually banging your head against the wall while hoping for a different outcome, take the time to reassess your plan, educate yourself further and make tweaks where you need to make them.

There is no single magic moment in which you'll 'get it' and have everything fall into place while your account grows to an eye-popping level. Learning how to win at online sports betting takes time, and it also takes constant effort to stay on top of your game. Oddsmakers are very good at what they do, and that won't be changing anytime soon.

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Is live / in-game sports betting better?

Live betting opens the door to even more chances to win as the games play out. The action moves quickly, and you'll have a number of opportunities to consider for each contest on the docket.

There's no rule of thumb that says you're more likely to win or lose with live sports betting. It's important to use caution with these fast-moving wagers, however. If you get swept up in the action, you can find yourself down more than you anticipated before you know it.

As with all types of betting, it's important to have a strict budget in place. For example, let's say you've set $50 aside for live betting on a game you're looking forward to. You need to stick to that amount.

Once it's gone, enjoy the rest of the game and examine where you may have gone wrong. If you manage to get ahead, that's awesome. Continue playing with the profits and make sure you walk away with at least your initial $50.

Also, it's important to know what kind of bettor youare. Do you prefer to make well-thought-out decisions, or are you more inclined to make judgments on the fly? Those in the former camp may not find live betting appealing, while folks in the latter group may love it.

What are the worst mistakes you can make in sports betting?

Just like in any other area of life, you can enhance your chances of success with sports betting by simply avoiding the big mistakes that can really set you back. There are going to be missteps and bad calls along the way for all of us, but there are some particularly treacherous potholes that we should all do our best to avoid.

  1. Overestimating your abilities: Being well-versed in sports is a great start, but that's not all that it takes to find success with betting. There have been plenty of newbies who have entered the game with the thought that their knowledge gives them an instant edge. Then the rude awakening happens. It takes time to get up to speed with betting, so start small and don't be so overconfident that you go all in from the beginning.
  2. Chasing losses: You're going to lose games that you think are sure things, and victories that appear all but certain are going to turn against you at the last minute. These things happen, and it can sting. It's important to accept them for what they are: losses. Learn what you can and moveon. You're not 'due' for a win because you had a bad beat. Those who chase losses with that mindset are in line for more disappointment.
  3. Taking too many moonshots: Continually shooting for the stars with lots of risky parlay bets is a recipe for disaster. There's a reason that sportsbooks will pay out so much if such bets hit. That's because the chances of it happening are really slim, and the overall hold they keep on parlays more than makes up for it. Feel free to have some fun with a lottery ticket on a small scale, but don't bank on making regular returns this way.

Each of these mistakes can lead you on the road toward scratching your head and clicking the deposit button much more often than you should be. Don't let that happen to you. Instead, have some knowledge going in, including the specific pitfalls that you need to keep an eye out for.

Who are the most successful sports bettors of all time?

While we've cautioned that turning a profit from betting on sports consistently is a big challenge, there are some who manage to do so. In fact, there are some rather well-known professional handicappers whose accomplishments are the stuff of legends. Here's a quick look at some of the biggest names in the game.

  • Billy Walters: Walters built up his skills to the point where he was so successful that he had trouble getting enough action. The solution was that he enlisted folks to place his bets. He was even profiled on '60 Minutes' to further cement his legacy, but the story doesn't have a completely happy ending. Walters spent time behind bars for insider trading.
  • Haralabos Voulgaris: Voulgaris developed an NBA betting system that led him on the path to riches. He had a great feel for totals bets and halftime lines, and got to the point where he was essentially on point with how coaches would react in certain situations. Voulgaris clearly demonstrated that having a specialty can really pay off.
  • Bill Krackomberger: Krackomberger has consistently honed his skills since his younger days. It's paid off handsomely, as he has been profiled a number of times on major broadcast outlets. One point that he continually stresses is the importance of lineshopping. No matter how much of a handle he has on a game, it comes down to the numbers for him.

The dream of betting on sports for a living has been achieved by some, but it's a very selectgroup. Be sure to keep that in mind no matter which stage of the game you're in. There's nothing wrong with striving to get better. Just know that the odds are against you. The first online casinos.

Should you pay for sports betting picks?

If you spend enough time in gambling circles, you'll be exposed to a good deal of boastful claims. It seems as if everyone has a 'lock' pick these days, and there's a steady stream of folks who portray themselves as sports betting geniuses on social media.

Beyond those attempting to draw attention to themselves, there are plenty who are looking to draw something else, as in your money. There are lots of touts to be found, and far too many of them prey on unsuspecting folks while making outlandish claims.

No one wins all of the time with sports betting. Period. Anyone that tells you otherwise is simply not being truthful. That being the case, why are there touts out there who claim to have ridiculous winning percentages and picks that 'never lose'?

Quite simply, they're looking to attract as many paying customers as possible. Some will stick around, others will catch on quickly, and the cycle will rinse and repeat. For the touts, as long as they have a stream of folks willing to pay, all is well.

There are touts and services out there that do a respectable job for their clients. They're honest about their results, provide full transparency and legitimately do their best to keep their customers happy.

Unfortunately, the touts who take the opposite approach cast a cloud over the industry. If you're considering paying for picks, tread carefully and fully vet yourselections. When you come across those with horrid reputations and ridiculous promises, move along quickly.

Do sports betting systems work?

A betting system can help you with your overall decision making. That said, there is no system that's perfect. There's no such thing as instant riches with sports betting, so use caution if and when you think you've come across the holy grail.

Systems can range from incredibly simple concepts — wagering on rested home favorites, taking streaking home underdogs plus the points, etc. — tocomplex. On the complex side, there can be lots of pieces that you must put together to lead to the optimal decision.

A well-defined system takes some time to put together, but it can be a worthwhile endeavor. You'll learn a lot along the way, including how to sort through what really matters. However, the fact remains that there is no single system that will consistently beat the books.

You may hear theories that sound great — i.e. just always bet on the favorite and you'll come out ahead — but further research reveals that there's some faulty logic being applied. The same applies to the 'can't lose' systems that appear frequently on the interwebs.

A betting system that you devise on your own while leaning on trusted resources can be a step in the right direction, but don't expect instant results. Even the top handicappers are always evolving and learning as they attempt to consistently beat the book.

Which sports gives you the best odds/are easiest to pick winning bets?

When getting started with betting on sports, it's always good to begin with what youknow. There's no one sport that you should focus on because it's so easy to beat. If there were, don't you think the sportsbooks would plug that leak pretty quickly?

Yes, they would. Sportsbooks are not in the business of giving money away. If you want to win consistently, then know that there will be some work involved and that it'll take some time. As such, it makes the most sense to begin by building off what you know.

For example, if you love hockey but don't know a thing about basketball, start with the former and stay away from the latter. If you're a big fan of golf but couldn't care less about tennis, then stick to the links.

There will always be time to broaden your game down the road if you so choose by learning other sports. Additionally, there's absolutely nothing wrong with taking a focused approach by zeroing in on a select few sports.

In fact, many successful handicappers do just that. One other note to keep in mind: Sports that are less heavily bet than others don't receive as much attention from oddsmakers. As a result, some prognosticators view the lines as softer and easier to beat.

Sports that fall into this category are generally of the nichevariety, so we would advise using caution before diving into the deep end of the pool. If you don't know a thing about the sport, then how can you justify putting your money at risk?

How to beat Vegas / the bookies?

Sorry, but there's no simple answer here, either. Consistently beating the books is far from simple. However, just like you can improve your overall handicapping skills and knowledge, you can enhance your chances of doing so by leaning on some keytenets. Here's a trio that will set you off on the right track.

  1. Stick with legal sportsbooks: First and foremost, you should always be taking your business to sportsbooks that are legal and regulated in your state. There may still be a black market for sports betting, but that doesn't mean you have to go there. Legal shops will keep your funds safe, pay out on time and provide clear-cut steps to resolution if problems arise. The same can't be said for unregulated offshore operators.
  2. Fully understand what the lines are telling you: When getting set to bet on sports, one of the most important steps you can take is gaining a full understanding of what the numbers are telling you. The odds board can point you to the more likely outcome (at least in the eyes of the oddsmakers), show you where the public money is heading, and reveal what you would get for a winning bet. Be sure to take the time to understand all three of those components.
  3. Shop around for the best odds: All sports betting lines are not created equal. While the leading operators may be in the same range on games and events, you can find ticks of difference on the odds, spreads and totals. It may not seem like much, but it can all add up and impact your results. If you take the time to lineshop, you can spot these discrepancies and identify the most favorable spots to wager on the contests you're interested in.

Additionally, keep in mind that you should use sports betting for entertainment purposes. The ranks of those who find long-term success are small. If you want to join them, know that it takes lots of work and effort to get there. Instead, approach sports betting with an eye toward fun while working toward developing your skills and improving your game.

Pro tip: Take advantage of sports betting bonuses & free bets

There are some outstanding ways to build up your bankroll without much effort required. That's especially true as legal sports betting continues to enter new markets. Each legal state attracts some of the top names in the game, and they all want you as a customer.

In order to gain consumers, sportsbooks aren't shy about offering up special deals for new users. Known as sign-upoffers, these are incentives that are there for the taking. Here are some examples of what you'll see.

  • Deposit bonuses: After you create an account, many operators will match your first deposit up to a certain amount or percentage.
  • Risk-free bets: There are books that will allow you to place your first bet risk-free, which means you get a refund of site credit if the bet is a loser.
  • Free bets: A few operators will offer out free funds for you to use on the site just for signing up. Any winnings you get from the sportsbook's free bets are yours to keep.

We've assembled the best of the best free bet offers here. When you're ready to try out a new spot, be sure to click on our exclusive links to get the ball rolling. By taking this step, you'll be in line for the best possible bonuses out there.

One other note to keep in mind: Once you've signed up, be on the lookout for featured promotional offerings from the operator, such as odds boosts and parlayinsurance. These are additional ways to get some extra benefit and keep that bankroll growing.

Importance of line shopping in sports betting

Sports betting is a numbers game, and we don't just mean with the gobs of stats you have to consume or the volume you should bet to have a chance to win. The most important numbers are the ones that oddsmakers dish out for each game.

If you're new to sports betting, then you need to devote some time to understanding the odds board. Sports betting odds point you to the most likely outcome in the eyes of the oddsmakers. You can also determine potential winnings and which side the public likes.

It takes time to get up to speed on those points, but it's time well spent. Understanding the odds is one of the most important steps you can take as you work toward finding success in sports betting.

Once that's under your belt, digest and understand this tidbit: All odds aren't created equal. The numbers major sportsbook operators offer may be in line for games and events, but they won't always be exactly the same.

To find the bestprices, you can engage in what's known as line shopping. This simply means that you are checking the odds at multiple books to find the most attractive ones. By shopping, you can find ticks of difference here and there.

While it may not seem like much at first glance, it absolutely adds up in the long run. To demonstrate, consider the potential payouts for winning bets at the following odds:

  • $100 bet at odds of -105: potential return of $95.24
  • $100 bet at odds of -110: potential return of $90.91

The difference here is only $4.33. However, if you multiply that amount out over the course of 100 winning bets, that nominal figure turns into $433.00.

Line shopping takes just minutes in the modern world, so be sure to take the time to do it whenever you're ready to place bets. Your bottom line will thank you in the long run.

Why do we love sports betting? It's simple, fun, and it gives us an opportunity to make some money!

Beginners shouldn't rush off to start placing wagers just yet though. You see, as simple as sports betting is, it's not exactly easy to get everything right when you're just starting out.

If you approach sports betting in the wrong way, it's unlikely that you'll enjoy it at all. You certainly won't be on the right path towards making a profit.

We're not saying this to STOP you from betting on sports. Far from it. We just want you to be prepared, and have the best chance of making money.

Our hope is that by reading this article you will be able to form as many good habits from the onset as possible. Below are our 20 top sports betting tips for beginners. That's right, we said TWENTY. There's plenty to learn whether you are a complete novice or whether you just need a little refresher.

Please note that you should follow ALL of these betting tips regardless of what your ultimate goals are. They'll help to ensure that you have lots of fun, and they'll give you a good foundation to work from if your aim is to win money consistently.

Here's a quick overview of all our sports betting tips before we dive into the detail.

  • Trust Us
  • Set Achievable Objectives
  • Learn All the Basics
  • Set a Budget & Use a Staking Plan
  • Be Selective
  • Place Your Wagers Online
  • Understand the Concept of Value
  • Learn Some Simple Betting Strategies
  • Always Compare Odds & Lines
  • Keep Records of Your Betting
  • Learn the Lingo
  • Ignore Personal Bias
  • Don't Get Overconfident When Winning
  • Don't Get Disheartened When Losing
  • Spend Time on Research
  • Trust Your Judgement
  • Avoid Betting When Impaired
  • Experiment
  • Join a Betting Forum
  • Take Regular Breaks

Our first betting tip is extremely simple. Be confident that the advice we have to offer is truly valuable. Don't pick and choose which pieces of advice to follow and which to ignore. There's a good reason for everything we advise you to do, and we promise that following it WILL benefit you: in both the short term and the long term.

Please note that this doesn't just apply to the advice on this page, but to all the advice that we offer throughout our entire guide to betting on sports. We've worked very hard to make sure that our guide is as comprehensive as it possibly can be, and that it's genuinely useful. We're experienced bettors ourselves, and successful ones, so we really do know what we're talking about.

Unlike a lot of websites that offer sports betting information and advice, we don't charge for ANYTHING that we offer.

There are no fees for the tips and previews we provide, nor is there any 'premium content' that costs money to access. All of our content is premium in our opinion, and it's all provided free of charge. Why do we give away all this free information and advice? We simply want to help our readers become responsible and competent sports bettors.

There's no ulterior motive here. We take great pride in our work, and from the moment we started on our sports betting guide we had one single goal in mind. We wanted to produce the best sports betting resource on the internet. Have we achieved that goal? That's not for us to say. All we know for sure is that we've tried our hardest, and that we continue to update and improve our guide in any way we can.

So please place some trust in us. We're extremely confident that following our advice will lead to a much better sports betting experience. We're not promising that we'll help you to win millions of dollars. We're not even promising that we'll turn you into a winner at all. But we do promise that our advice will help to make sports betting more enjoyable, with a BETTER chance of winning money.

It's not too difficult to win a few wagers when betting on sports. Anyone who's even vaguely knowledgeable about a sport is likely to make accurate predictions at least some of the time. However, there's a big difference between winning a few wagers and winning often enough to actually make a profit. That latter IS difficult. Very difficult.

Only a small percentage of sports bettors are profitable in the long run.

The reality of sports betting is that the majority of people lose money at it. There are several reasons for this, but they're not important right now. What IS important is that you understand that you're more likely to lose than win as a beginner.

Some people start betting on sports with the belief that they can rely on their sports knowledge to beat the bookmakers. This is a mistake! It's definitely possible to make a profit from sports betting, but it takes more than a little sports knowledge. Even a truly extensive knowledge is not enough by itself. There's a lot that's required to be a successful sports bettor, so please don't think that you're going be winning from the moment you start.

Having unrealistic expectations will just lead to frustration and disappointment.

There's nothing wrong with setting the long term of goal of making money. It's important to be realistic though, and set achievable objectives. Your early objectives should be based on learning more and trying to improve gradually. Once you've gained some experience, you can start to set more complex goals.

Of course, the goal may simply be to enjoy yourself. That's certainly an achievable objective in the short term. In fact, focusing on having fun is arguably the best approach as a beginner. It's still possible to start taking things more seriously at a later stage.

If you're not entirely sure what your objectives are, or should be, please consider reading the article listed below.

Learn All the Basics

We stated at the very start of this article that sports betting is very simple, but that doesn't mean you should just get started right away. Learning the basics before you start placing wagers will put you in a much better position to enjoy the experience of betting on sports. The basics alone may not be able to help you make an overall profit, but they will get you started on the right track.

Luckily for you, we've summarized the most important sports betting basics in a single article. This article will be particularly useful for beginners, and covers all of the following.

  • Fixed odds betting explained
  • Components of a sports wager
  • Different types of sports wager
  • Alternative forms of sports betting
  • How to bet with a bookmaker
  • Why bookmakers make money

One of our team wrote an excellent blog post on how sports betting works, and that's also a really good read for beginners.

How Sports Betting Works - A Guide to Understanding Sports Betting

Wagering is almost as old as man. You can find places in the Bible where it talks about casting lots, which is a form of gambling. No one knows for sure when the first bet was made on a sporting event, but the odds are that it was made soon after sports were..

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Every single tip on this page is important, but none of them are more important than this one. Regardless of how much money you have, or what your short term or long term goals are, you simply MUST set a budget. Remember, losing money is a far more likely outcome than winning money. You need to decide how much money you are prepared to put at risk, and make sure that you don't start risking more if you lose it all.

You can set a daily budget, a weekly budget, a monthly budget or an annual budget. We have even heard of people setting aside of sum of money with no timescales attached at all. How you set up your budget is entirely up to you. Just make sure that your budget is set at an affordable amount and that it's something you are determined to stick to.

Spending too much on betting can lead to all kinds of problems.

No-one has an infinite amount of money, so everyone has to manage their finances to some extent. There are certain living costs that should always be the priority. Gambling with disposable income is fine, but gambling with money that is needed for other things is not. That's when gambling can start to get out of control, and the consequences can be dire.

This is easily avoided by simply sticking to a budget. Sports betting is far more likely to be an enjoyable experience when it's affordable, and there's no need to worry about whether a wager wins or loses.

Ideally, you should also use a staking plan. A staking plan is basically just a set of rules that determine how much should be staked on each wager relative to the size of your budget. We recommend staking around 1-2%, and definitely no more than 5%. This will allow you to withstand a few losses without blowing your whole budget too quickly.

Using a staking plan has other benefits too.

  • Less likely to chase losses during a bad run.
  • Less likely to lose any money made from a good run.
  • More likely to make rational betting decisions.

We explain these benefits in more detail in our article on bankroll management and using staking plans. We also offer lots of useful advice on how to manage your budget effectively when betting on sports.

One aspect of sports betting that is rather appealing is the amount of options it presents. These days we can bet on virtually any sport, and virtually any game, event, league or competition. We also have a wide variety of different types of wager to choose from. All in all, there are plenty of opportunities for getting our money down.

However, it's important to be selective. Placing too many wagers can be just as damaging as staking too much money, as this is also likely to lead to losing money more quickly. It's hard to consistently make sensible selections when placing lots of wagers, so it's much better to concentrate on trying to find genuinely good opportunities.

Placing a few well thought out wagers will almost certainly yield better results than just randomly betting on anything.

We recommend thinking very carefully about how many different sports to bet on, and how many different leagues or competitions to bet on. It's not necessary to focus on just a single sport, but it's not a good idea to bet on too many either. Try to focus on the ones you know most the about, and definitely avoid those that you don't really understand or follow.

Sports Betting How To Guide

The number of leagues or competitions is only relevant for certain sports. When it comes to tennis, for example, betting on every single tournament would be realistic. The same players generally participate in each one, so it wouldn't be overly difficult to keep track of. Soccer is a completely different story. There are too many tournaments and leagues to be able to keep up with every single one of them. It's possible to know enough about the players and teams in just two or three leagues though.

It doesn't hurt to also consider how many games or events you're going to bet on. Let's look at football, for example. During the regular NFL season schedule, there are usually 15 or 16 games each week. Even if football was the only sport you bet on, and the NFL the only league, it still wouldn't be advisable to try to bet on every game each week. It would make much more sense to pick a few games that presented the best opportunities, and concentrate entirely on them. This would almost certainly lead to better betting decisions, and therefore better results.

A similar principle applies to deciding how many wagers to place on a single game or event. There are dozens of betting options for each NFL game, but this doesn't mean you have to place dozens of wagers. Again, it's better to try to identify the best opportunities. If the total line is hard to call, ignore it and focus on the point spread. If that's hard to call too, take a look at the moneyline or any of the other available betting markets.

The bottom line is that WHAT you bet on is not as important as WHY you bet.

Whenever there's a good reason for placing a wager, you should go ahead and place it. But you should never place wagers just for the sake of it.

Betting online is without a doubt the easiest and most convenient way to place sports wagers. It also offers several distinct advantages over other methods. You can read all about these in the following article.


The hardest part of betting online is deciding which sites to join, because there are so many to choose from. Although the majority of sites are reputable and safe to use, there are a few that are not. You obviously only want to use the very best sites, but how do you know which sites are the best?

This is something we can help with. We make recommendations of the best sites to use, based on our own extensive research and testing. Each one of our recommendations has proved to be completely trustworthy, and they all provide an excellent all-round service. Signing up at any one of them will help you have a great overall experience.

RankDE Betting SiteExclusive BonusGet Started
#1Betway Sports Up To€150Visit Site Visit Site
#222Bet Sports100% Up To€122Visit Site Visit Site
#3Spin Sports100% Up To€200Visit Site Visit Site
#410Bet Sports100% Up To€50Visit Site Visit Site
#5Guts Sports 100% Up To€50Visit Site Visit Site

We have actually ranked the top sports betting sites in a number of different categories. This makes it easy for you to find a site that is right for any personal preferences or requirements you may have. You can find all our rankings here.

Here's a couple of extra tips related to betting online.

  • Sign up with multiple sites
  • Take full advantage of bonuses and rewards

Signing up with multiple sites is a good idea for several reasons. One of the biggest is that it makes it easier to compare odds and lines when placing wagers, which is something we discuss later in this article. Using multiple sites also means more bonuses and rewards to take advantage of, and these can prove to be very valuable.

What are bonuses and rewards? Well, they come in various forms but they're basically money that sites give away to their customers. Virtually all sites offer bonuses or free bets to new customers, to encourage them to sign up. And most sites have some kind of loyalty program in place, to reward their existing customers and keep them happy.

It's well worth spending some time learning how to get the most out of these bonuses and rewards, as they can have a big impact on how much you win or lose overall. We explain more in the following articles.

Value is a term that gets used a lot in relation to sports betting, but it's something that a lot of bettors don't really understand. The concept is reasonably straightforward, as value basically just measures the relationship between the odds of a selection and the probability of the associated outcome happening.

When the odds are higher than they technically 'should' be based on the relevant probability, a selection is said to have positive expected value.

Successful sports betting is ALL about trying to find positive expected value.

If your goal is to make money though sports betting, then it's absolutely vital to properly understand the concept of value. It really is that important. In theory, you should only EVER place wagers after identifying positive expected value. This is ultimately the only way to make a profit in the long run.

We strongly recommend trying to understand value even if your goal is just to have some fun. Although it's not quite so important to identify positive value when betting recreationally, we still believe you should give at least some consideration to value before making selections. Not only will this lead to better results, but you'll also have a more enjoyable experience.

Most beginners don't give any thought at all to the strategy involved in sports betting. This is perfectly reasonable, as there are lots of other things to focus on as a beginner. However, we believe it's a mistake to ignore strategy completely. Most of the basics are relatively straightforward and easy to learn, and these basics can REALLY help a beginner make good decisions. Obviously, there's no need to learn about ALL the strategy involved, but a little knowledge can go a long way.

With this in mind, we've compiled a collection of simple betting strategies that work. They are all ideal for beginners to learn and we explain each one in a very easy to understand way. We also demonstrate exactly how they work and how they can be used. Here are some examples of the strategies we cover.

  • Arbitrage betting
  • Backing heavy favorites
  • Betting off market prices
  • Betting based on winning streaks

We want to make it very clear that none of these systems will lead to guaranteed success. Still, we believe they have merit and are worth learning about. If you're able to use just one or two of them effectively, you'll stand a much better chance of making winning selections.

This is one of the easiest tips to follow. Comparing odds and lines is very simple, and takes just a few moments whenever you're placing a wager. Since bookmakers and betting sites don't all offer exactly the same odds and lines, by shopping around a little for each wager, you can make sure that you get the best possible deal for every wager you place. The differences in the odds and lines are usually quite small, but they add up over time.

To demonstrate this, here's a list of the odds available from three random betting sites on a boxing match.

  • betting site A
    Chris Eubank Jr2.10
  • Chris Eubank Jr2.05
  • Chris Eubank Jr2.00
Tips To Win Sports Betting

How much money should I bet on each sports game?

The answer to this question is based on the total size of yourbankroll. For one bettor, wagering $100 on a single game may work fine, while another may be better served by betting a nominal amount such as $20.

As outlined earlier, your total betting bankroll should be based on what you can afford to lose without issue. While no one wants to think of the possibility of losing it all, it's not out of the ordinary to have that happen.

That being the case, the level of your bankroll shouldn't be causing you discomfort. If it does, then you've allocated too much for sports betting. When you land on a number that won't cause you any hardship if you lose, that's a good starting point for your roll.

For the individual games, it's a good idea to stick to a certain percentage per wager. This can range from 1%-5% depending on your risk tolerance and long-term goals. For example, if you have a $5,000 bankroll with a maximum of 2% per wager, your unit size is $100.

How to win consistently at sports betting

There's no one magic bullet that will guarantee that you will find success with betting on sports. Instead, it's a matter of putting together a lot of different moving pieces as you continuously try to solve the puzzle. To help in your quest to get to that point, there are some tried and true principles that you can lean on.

  1. Understand the importance of bankroll management: If you don't manage your funds well, then you'll be replenishing your account an awful lot. Your bankroll needs to be respected and valued. It can help to think of your wagering dollars as soldiers. The idea is to bring them back home safely, and hopefully with some friends trailing along. You should have a strict budget in place for your total roll, as well as for each individual bet that you plan to make.
  2. Instill a strong sense of discipline into your approach: Everyone wants to hit a home run, but there are plenty of singles and doubles hitters who wind up doing quite well, too. For sports betting, the name of the game is to turn a profit. You'll have a much better chance of doing so if you can impart a sense of discipline into your game. Taking a wild approach where you wing it and constantly go for the gusto is not a recipe for sustained success.
  3. Have a willingness to adapt and constantly improve: No matter how finely tuned of a handicapping system you may have, you'll take your share of lumps along the way. There may even be bad rough patches in which you can't seem to get anything right. As opposed to continually banging your head against the wall while hoping for a different outcome, take the time to reassess your plan, educate yourself further and make tweaks where you need to make them.

There is no single magic moment in which you'll 'get it' and have everything fall into place while your account grows to an eye-popping level. Learning how to win at online sports betting takes time, and it also takes constant effort to stay on top of your game. Oddsmakers are very good at what they do, and that won't be changing anytime soon.

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Is live / in-game sports betting better?

Live betting opens the door to even more chances to win as the games play out. The action moves quickly, and you'll have a number of opportunities to consider for each contest on the docket.

There's no rule of thumb that says you're more likely to win or lose with live sports betting. It's important to use caution with these fast-moving wagers, however. If you get swept up in the action, you can find yourself down more than you anticipated before you know it.

As with all types of betting, it's important to have a strict budget in place. For example, let's say you've set $50 aside for live betting on a game you're looking forward to. You need to stick to that amount.

Once it's gone, enjoy the rest of the game and examine where you may have gone wrong. If you manage to get ahead, that's awesome. Continue playing with the profits and make sure you walk away with at least your initial $50.

Also, it's important to know what kind of bettor youare. Do you prefer to make well-thought-out decisions, or are you more inclined to make judgments on the fly? Those in the former camp may not find live betting appealing, while folks in the latter group may love it.

What are the worst mistakes you can make in sports betting?

Just like in any other area of life, you can enhance your chances of success with sports betting by simply avoiding the big mistakes that can really set you back. There are going to be missteps and bad calls along the way for all of us, but there are some particularly treacherous potholes that we should all do our best to avoid.

  1. Overestimating your abilities: Being well-versed in sports is a great start, but that's not all that it takes to find success with betting. There have been plenty of newbies who have entered the game with the thought that their knowledge gives them an instant edge. Then the rude awakening happens. It takes time to get up to speed with betting, so start small and don't be so overconfident that you go all in from the beginning.
  2. Chasing losses: You're going to lose games that you think are sure things, and victories that appear all but certain are going to turn against you at the last minute. These things happen, and it can sting. It's important to accept them for what they are: losses. Learn what you can and moveon. You're not 'due' for a win because you had a bad beat. Those who chase losses with that mindset are in line for more disappointment.
  3. Taking too many moonshots: Continually shooting for the stars with lots of risky parlay bets is a recipe for disaster. There's a reason that sportsbooks will pay out so much if such bets hit. That's because the chances of it happening are really slim, and the overall hold they keep on parlays more than makes up for it. Feel free to have some fun with a lottery ticket on a small scale, but don't bank on making regular returns this way.

Each of these mistakes can lead you on the road toward scratching your head and clicking the deposit button much more often than you should be. Don't let that happen to you. Instead, have some knowledge going in, including the specific pitfalls that you need to keep an eye out for.

Who are the most successful sports bettors of all time?

While we've cautioned that turning a profit from betting on sports consistently is a big challenge, there are some who manage to do so. In fact, there are some rather well-known professional handicappers whose accomplishments are the stuff of legends. Here's a quick look at some of the biggest names in the game.

  • Billy Walters: Walters built up his skills to the point where he was so successful that he had trouble getting enough action. The solution was that he enlisted folks to place his bets. He was even profiled on '60 Minutes' to further cement his legacy, but the story doesn't have a completely happy ending. Walters spent time behind bars for insider trading.
  • Haralabos Voulgaris: Voulgaris developed an NBA betting system that led him on the path to riches. He had a great feel for totals bets and halftime lines, and got to the point where he was essentially on point with how coaches would react in certain situations. Voulgaris clearly demonstrated that having a specialty can really pay off.
  • Bill Krackomberger: Krackomberger has consistently honed his skills since his younger days. It's paid off handsomely, as he has been profiled a number of times on major broadcast outlets. One point that he continually stresses is the importance of lineshopping. No matter how much of a handle he has on a game, it comes down to the numbers for him.

The dream of betting on sports for a living has been achieved by some, but it's a very selectgroup. Be sure to keep that in mind no matter which stage of the game you're in. There's nothing wrong with striving to get better. Just know that the odds are against you. The first online casinos.

Should you pay for sports betting picks?

If you spend enough time in gambling circles, you'll be exposed to a good deal of boastful claims. It seems as if everyone has a 'lock' pick these days, and there's a steady stream of folks who portray themselves as sports betting geniuses on social media.

Beyond those attempting to draw attention to themselves, there are plenty who are looking to draw something else, as in your money. There are lots of touts to be found, and far too many of them prey on unsuspecting folks while making outlandish claims.

No one wins all of the time with sports betting. Period. Anyone that tells you otherwise is simply not being truthful. That being the case, why are there touts out there who claim to have ridiculous winning percentages and picks that 'never lose'?

Quite simply, they're looking to attract as many paying customers as possible. Some will stick around, others will catch on quickly, and the cycle will rinse and repeat. For the touts, as long as they have a stream of folks willing to pay, all is well.

There are touts and services out there that do a respectable job for their clients. They're honest about their results, provide full transparency and legitimately do their best to keep their customers happy.

Unfortunately, the touts who take the opposite approach cast a cloud over the industry. If you're considering paying for picks, tread carefully and fully vet yourselections. When you come across those with horrid reputations and ridiculous promises, move along quickly.

Do sports betting systems work?

A betting system can help you with your overall decision making. That said, there is no system that's perfect. There's no such thing as instant riches with sports betting, so use caution if and when you think you've come across the holy grail.

Systems can range from incredibly simple concepts — wagering on rested home favorites, taking streaking home underdogs plus the points, etc. — tocomplex. On the complex side, there can be lots of pieces that you must put together to lead to the optimal decision.

A well-defined system takes some time to put together, but it can be a worthwhile endeavor. You'll learn a lot along the way, including how to sort through what really matters. However, the fact remains that there is no single system that will consistently beat the books.

You may hear theories that sound great — i.e. just always bet on the favorite and you'll come out ahead — but further research reveals that there's some faulty logic being applied. The same applies to the 'can't lose' systems that appear frequently on the interwebs.

A betting system that you devise on your own while leaning on trusted resources can be a step in the right direction, but don't expect instant results. Even the top handicappers are always evolving and learning as they attempt to consistently beat the book.

Which sports gives you the best odds/are easiest to pick winning bets?

When getting started with betting on sports, it's always good to begin with what youknow. There's no one sport that you should focus on because it's so easy to beat. If there were, don't you think the sportsbooks would plug that leak pretty quickly?

Yes, they would. Sportsbooks are not in the business of giving money away. If you want to win consistently, then know that there will be some work involved and that it'll take some time. As such, it makes the most sense to begin by building off what you know.

For example, if you love hockey but don't know a thing about basketball, start with the former and stay away from the latter. If you're a big fan of golf but couldn't care less about tennis, then stick to the links.

There will always be time to broaden your game down the road if you so choose by learning other sports. Additionally, there's absolutely nothing wrong with taking a focused approach by zeroing in on a select few sports.

In fact, many successful handicappers do just that. One other note to keep in mind: Sports that are less heavily bet than others don't receive as much attention from oddsmakers. As a result, some prognosticators view the lines as softer and easier to beat.

Sports that fall into this category are generally of the nichevariety, so we would advise using caution before diving into the deep end of the pool. If you don't know a thing about the sport, then how can you justify putting your money at risk?

How to beat Vegas / the bookies?

Sorry, but there's no simple answer here, either. Consistently beating the books is far from simple. However, just like you can improve your overall handicapping skills and knowledge, you can enhance your chances of doing so by leaning on some keytenets. Here's a trio that will set you off on the right track.

  1. Stick with legal sportsbooks: First and foremost, you should always be taking your business to sportsbooks that are legal and regulated in your state. There may still be a black market for sports betting, but that doesn't mean you have to go there. Legal shops will keep your funds safe, pay out on time and provide clear-cut steps to resolution if problems arise. The same can't be said for unregulated offshore operators.
  2. Fully understand what the lines are telling you: When getting set to bet on sports, one of the most important steps you can take is gaining a full understanding of what the numbers are telling you. The odds board can point you to the more likely outcome (at least in the eyes of the oddsmakers), show you where the public money is heading, and reveal what you would get for a winning bet. Be sure to take the time to understand all three of those components.
  3. Shop around for the best odds: All sports betting lines are not created equal. While the leading operators may be in the same range on games and events, you can find ticks of difference on the odds, spreads and totals. It may not seem like much, but it can all add up and impact your results. If you take the time to lineshop, you can spot these discrepancies and identify the most favorable spots to wager on the contests you're interested in.

Additionally, keep in mind that you should use sports betting for entertainment purposes. The ranks of those who find long-term success are small. If you want to join them, know that it takes lots of work and effort to get there. Instead, approach sports betting with an eye toward fun while working toward developing your skills and improving your game.

Pro tip: Take advantage of sports betting bonuses & free bets

There are some outstanding ways to build up your bankroll without much effort required. That's especially true as legal sports betting continues to enter new markets. Each legal state attracts some of the top names in the game, and they all want you as a customer.

In order to gain consumers, sportsbooks aren't shy about offering up special deals for new users. Known as sign-upoffers, these are incentives that are there for the taking. Here are some examples of what you'll see.

  • Deposit bonuses: After you create an account, many operators will match your first deposit up to a certain amount or percentage.
  • Risk-free bets: There are books that will allow you to place your first bet risk-free, which means you get a refund of site credit if the bet is a loser.
  • Free bets: A few operators will offer out free funds for you to use on the site just for signing up. Any winnings you get from the sportsbook's free bets are yours to keep.

We've assembled the best of the best free bet offers here. When you're ready to try out a new spot, be sure to click on our exclusive links to get the ball rolling. By taking this step, you'll be in line for the best possible bonuses out there.

One other note to keep in mind: Once you've signed up, be on the lookout for featured promotional offerings from the operator, such as odds boosts and parlayinsurance. These are additional ways to get some extra benefit and keep that bankroll growing.

Importance of line shopping in sports betting

Sports betting is a numbers game, and we don't just mean with the gobs of stats you have to consume or the volume you should bet to have a chance to win. The most important numbers are the ones that oddsmakers dish out for each game.

If you're new to sports betting, then you need to devote some time to understanding the odds board. Sports betting odds point you to the most likely outcome in the eyes of the oddsmakers. You can also determine potential winnings and which side the public likes.

It takes time to get up to speed on those points, but it's time well spent. Understanding the odds is one of the most important steps you can take as you work toward finding success in sports betting.

Once that's under your belt, digest and understand this tidbit: All odds aren't created equal. The numbers major sportsbook operators offer may be in line for games and events, but they won't always be exactly the same.

To find the bestprices, you can engage in what's known as line shopping. This simply means that you are checking the odds at multiple books to find the most attractive ones. By shopping, you can find ticks of difference here and there.

While it may not seem like much at first glance, it absolutely adds up in the long run. To demonstrate, consider the potential payouts for winning bets at the following odds:

  • $100 bet at odds of -105: potential return of $95.24
  • $100 bet at odds of -110: potential return of $90.91

The difference here is only $4.33. However, if you multiply that amount out over the course of 100 winning bets, that nominal figure turns into $433.00.

Line shopping takes just minutes in the modern world, so be sure to take the time to do it whenever you're ready to place bets. Your bottom line will thank you in the long run.

Why do we love sports betting? It's simple, fun, and it gives us an opportunity to make some money!

Beginners shouldn't rush off to start placing wagers just yet though. You see, as simple as sports betting is, it's not exactly easy to get everything right when you're just starting out.

If you approach sports betting in the wrong way, it's unlikely that you'll enjoy it at all. You certainly won't be on the right path towards making a profit.

We're not saying this to STOP you from betting on sports. Far from it. We just want you to be prepared, and have the best chance of making money.

Our hope is that by reading this article you will be able to form as many good habits from the onset as possible. Below are our 20 top sports betting tips for beginners. That's right, we said TWENTY. There's plenty to learn whether you are a complete novice or whether you just need a little refresher.

Please note that you should follow ALL of these betting tips regardless of what your ultimate goals are. They'll help to ensure that you have lots of fun, and they'll give you a good foundation to work from if your aim is to win money consistently.

Here's a quick overview of all our sports betting tips before we dive into the detail.

  • Trust Us
  • Set Achievable Objectives
  • Learn All the Basics
  • Set a Budget & Use a Staking Plan
  • Be Selective
  • Place Your Wagers Online
  • Understand the Concept of Value
  • Learn Some Simple Betting Strategies
  • Always Compare Odds & Lines
  • Keep Records of Your Betting
  • Learn the Lingo
  • Ignore Personal Bias
  • Don't Get Overconfident When Winning
  • Don't Get Disheartened When Losing
  • Spend Time on Research
  • Trust Your Judgement
  • Avoid Betting When Impaired
  • Experiment
  • Join a Betting Forum
  • Take Regular Breaks

Our first betting tip is extremely simple. Be confident that the advice we have to offer is truly valuable. Don't pick and choose which pieces of advice to follow and which to ignore. There's a good reason for everything we advise you to do, and we promise that following it WILL benefit you: in both the short term and the long term.

Please note that this doesn't just apply to the advice on this page, but to all the advice that we offer throughout our entire guide to betting on sports. We've worked very hard to make sure that our guide is as comprehensive as it possibly can be, and that it's genuinely useful. We're experienced bettors ourselves, and successful ones, so we really do know what we're talking about.

Unlike a lot of websites that offer sports betting information and advice, we don't charge for ANYTHING that we offer.

There are no fees for the tips and previews we provide, nor is there any 'premium content' that costs money to access. All of our content is premium in our opinion, and it's all provided free of charge. Why do we give away all this free information and advice? We simply want to help our readers become responsible and competent sports bettors.

There's no ulterior motive here. We take great pride in our work, and from the moment we started on our sports betting guide we had one single goal in mind. We wanted to produce the best sports betting resource on the internet. Have we achieved that goal? That's not for us to say. All we know for sure is that we've tried our hardest, and that we continue to update and improve our guide in any way we can.

So please place some trust in us. We're extremely confident that following our advice will lead to a much better sports betting experience. We're not promising that we'll help you to win millions of dollars. We're not even promising that we'll turn you into a winner at all. But we do promise that our advice will help to make sports betting more enjoyable, with a BETTER chance of winning money.

It's not too difficult to win a few wagers when betting on sports. Anyone who's even vaguely knowledgeable about a sport is likely to make accurate predictions at least some of the time. However, there's a big difference between winning a few wagers and winning often enough to actually make a profit. That latter IS difficult. Very difficult.

Only a small percentage of sports bettors are profitable in the long run.

The reality of sports betting is that the majority of people lose money at it. There are several reasons for this, but they're not important right now. What IS important is that you understand that you're more likely to lose than win as a beginner.

Some people start betting on sports with the belief that they can rely on their sports knowledge to beat the bookmakers. This is a mistake! It's definitely possible to make a profit from sports betting, but it takes more than a little sports knowledge. Even a truly extensive knowledge is not enough by itself. There's a lot that's required to be a successful sports bettor, so please don't think that you're going be winning from the moment you start.

Having unrealistic expectations will just lead to frustration and disappointment.

There's nothing wrong with setting the long term of goal of making money. It's important to be realistic though, and set achievable objectives. Your early objectives should be based on learning more and trying to improve gradually. Once you've gained some experience, you can start to set more complex goals.

Of course, the goal may simply be to enjoy yourself. That's certainly an achievable objective in the short term. In fact, focusing on having fun is arguably the best approach as a beginner. It's still possible to start taking things more seriously at a later stage.

If you're not entirely sure what your objectives are, or should be, please consider reading the article listed below.

Learn All the Basics

We stated at the very start of this article that sports betting is very simple, but that doesn't mean you should just get started right away. Learning the basics before you start placing wagers will put you in a much better position to enjoy the experience of betting on sports. The basics alone may not be able to help you make an overall profit, but they will get you started on the right track.

Luckily for you, we've summarized the most important sports betting basics in a single article. This article will be particularly useful for beginners, and covers all of the following.

  • Fixed odds betting explained
  • Components of a sports wager
  • Different types of sports wager
  • Alternative forms of sports betting
  • How to bet with a bookmaker
  • Why bookmakers make money

One of our team wrote an excellent blog post on how sports betting works, and that's also a really good read for beginners.

How Sports Betting Works - A Guide to Understanding Sports Betting

Wagering is almost as old as man. You can find places in the Bible where it talks about casting lots, which is a form of gambling. No one knows for sure when the first bet was made on a sporting event, but the odds are that it was made soon after sports were..

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Every single tip on this page is important, but none of them are more important than this one. Regardless of how much money you have, or what your short term or long term goals are, you simply MUST set a budget. Remember, losing money is a far more likely outcome than winning money. You need to decide how much money you are prepared to put at risk, and make sure that you don't start risking more if you lose it all.

You can set a daily budget, a weekly budget, a monthly budget or an annual budget. We have even heard of people setting aside of sum of money with no timescales attached at all. How you set up your budget is entirely up to you. Just make sure that your budget is set at an affordable amount and that it's something you are determined to stick to.

Spending too much on betting can lead to all kinds of problems.

No-one has an infinite amount of money, so everyone has to manage their finances to some extent. There are certain living costs that should always be the priority. Gambling with disposable income is fine, but gambling with money that is needed for other things is not. That's when gambling can start to get out of control, and the consequences can be dire.

This is easily avoided by simply sticking to a budget. Sports betting is far more likely to be an enjoyable experience when it's affordable, and there's no need to worry about whether a wager wins or loses.

Ideally, you should also use a staking plan. A staking plan is basically just a set of rules that determine how much should be staked on each wager relative to the size of your budget. We recommend staking around 1-2%, and definitely no more than 5%. This will allow you to withstand a few losses without blowing your whole budget too quickly.

Using a staking plan has other benefits too.

  • Less likely to chase losses during a bad run.
  • Less likely to lose any money made from a good run.
  • More likely to make rational betting decisions.

We explain these benefits in more detail in our article on bankroll management and using staking plans. We also offer lots of useful advice on how to manage your budget effectively when betting on sports.

One aspect of sports betting that is rather appealing is the amount of options it presents. These days we can bet on virtually any sport, and virtually any game, event, league or competition. We also have a wide variety of different types of wager to choose from. All in all, there are plenty of opportunities for getting our money down.

However, it's important to be selective. Placing too many wagers can be just as damaging as staking too much money, as this is also likely to lead to losing money more quickly. It's hard to consistently make sensible selections when placing lots of wagers, so it's much better to concentrate on trying to find genuinely good opportunities.

Placing a few well thought out wagers will almost certainly yield better results than just randomly betting on anything.

We recommend thinking very carefully about how many different sports to bet on, and how many different leagues or competitions to bet on. It's not necessary to focus on just a single sport, but it's not a good idea to bet on too many either. Try to focus on the ones you know most the about, and definitely avoid those that you don't really understand or follow.

Sports Betting How To Guide

The number of leagues or competitions is only relevant for certain sports. When it comes to tennis, for example, betting on every single tournament would be realistic. The same players generally participate in each one, so it wouldn't be overly difficult to keep track of. Soccer is a completely different story. There are too many tournaments and leagues to be able to keep up with every single one of them. It's possible to know enough about the players and teams in just two or three leagues though.

It doesn't hurt to also consider how many games or events you're going to bet on. Let's look at football, for example. During the regular NFL season schedule, there are usually 15 or 16 games each week. Even if football was the only sport you bet on, and the NFL the only league, it still wouldn't be advisable to try to bet on every game each week. It would make much more sense to pick a few games that presented the best opportunities, and concentrate entirely on them. This would almost certainly lead to better betting decisions, and therefore better results.

A similar principle applies to deciding how many wagers to place on a single game or event. There are dozens of betting options for each NFL game, but this doesn't mean you have to place dozens of wagers. Again, it's better to try to identify the best opportunities. If the total line is hard to call, ignore it and focus on the point spread. If that's hard to call too, take a look at the moneyline or any of the other available betting markets.

The bottom line is that WHAT you bet on is not as important as WHY you bet.

Whenever there's a good reason for placing a wager, you should go ahead and place it. But you should never place wagers just for the sake of it.

Betting online is without a doubt the easiest and most convenient way to place sports wagers. It also offers several distinct advantages over other methods. You can read all about these in the following article.

The hardest part of betting online is deciding which sites to join, because there are so many to choose from. Although the majority of sites are reputable and safe to use, there are a few that are not. You obviously only want to use the very best sites, but how do you know which sites are the best?

This is something we can help with. We make recommendations of the best sites to use, based on our own extensive research and testing. Each one of our recommendations has proved to be completely trustworthy, and they all provide an excellent all-round service. Signing up at any one of them will help you have a great overall experience.

RankDE Betting SiteExclusive BonusGet Started
#1Betway Sports Up To€150Visit Site Visit Site
#222Bet Sports100% Up To€122Visit Site Visit Site
#3Spin Sports100% Up To€200Visit Site Visit Site
#410Bet Sports100% Up To€50Visit Site Visit Site
#5Guts Sports 100% Up To€50Visit Site Visit Site

We have actually ranked the top sports betting sites in a number of different categories. This makes it easy for you to find a site that is right for any personal preferences or requirements you may have. You can find all our rankings here.

Here's a couple of extra tips related to betting online.

  • Sign up with multiple sites
  • Take full advantage of bonuses and rewards

Signing up with multiple sites is a good idea for several reasons. One of the biggest is that it makes it easier to compare odds and lines when placing wagers, which is something we discuss later in this article. Using multiple sites also means more bonuses and rewards to take advantage of, and these can prove to be very valuable.

What are bonuses and rewards? Well, they come in various forms but they're basically money that sites give away to their customers. Virtually all sites offer bonuses or free bets to new customers, to encourage them to sign up. And most sites have some kind of loyalty program in place, to reward their existing customers and keep them happy.

It's well worth spending some time learning how to get the most out of these bonuses and rewards, as they can have a big impact on how much you win or lose overall. We explain more in the following articles.

Value is a term that gets used a lot in relation to sports betting, but it's something that a lot of bettors don't really understand. The concept is reasonably straightforward, as value basically just measures the relationship between the odds of a selection and the probability of the associated outcome happening.

When the odds are higher than they technically 'should' be based on the relevant probability, a selection is said to have positive expected value.

Successful sports betting is ALL about trying to find positive expected value.

If your goal is to make money though sports betting, then it's absolutely vital to properly understand the concept of value. It really is that important. In theory, you should only EVER place wagers after identifying positive expected value. This is ultimately the only way to make a profit in the long run.

We strongly recommend trying to understand value even if your goal is just to have some fun. Although it's not quite so important to identify positive value when betting recreationally, we still believe you should give at least some consideration to value before making selections. Not only will this lead to better results, but you'll also have a more enjoyable experience.

Most beginners don't give any thought at all to the strategy involved in sports betting. This is perfectly reasonable, as there are lots of other things to focus on as a beginner. However, we believe it's a mistake to ignore strategy completely. Most of the basics are relatively straightforward and easy to learn, and these basics can REALLY help a beginner make good decisions. Obviously, there's no need to learn about ALL the strategy involved, but a little knowledge can go a long way.

With this in mind, we've compiled a collection of simple betting strategies that work. They are all ideal for beginners to learn and we explain each one in a very easy to understand way. We also demonstrate exactly how they work and how they can be used. Here are some examples of the strategies we cover.

  • Arbitrage betting
  • Backing heavy favorites
  • Betting off market prices
  • Betting based on winning streaks

We want to make it very clear that none of these systems will lead to guaranteed success. Still, we believe they have merit and are worth learning about. If you're able to use just one or two of them effectively, you'll stand a much better chance of making winning selections.

This is one of the easiest tips to follow. Comparing odds and lines is very simple, and takes just a few moments whenever you're placing a wager. Since bookmakers and betting sites don't all offer exactly the same odds and lines, by shopping around a little for each wager, you can make sure that you get the best possible deal for every wager you place. The differences in the odds and lines are usually quite small, but they add up over time.

To demonstrate this, here's a list of the odds available from three random betting sites on a boxing match.

  • betting site A
    Chris Eubank Jr2.10
  • Chris Eubank Jr2.05
  • Chris Eubank Jr2.00

Let's say we wanted to back Daniel Jacobs here, for $50. If we took the odds available at the first site, we'd stand to win $36.50. If we took the odds available at the second site, we'd stand to win $37.50. If we took the odds available at the third site, we'd stand to win $40. That's a difference of $3.50 between the worst odds and the best. Not a huge amount by any means, but still nearly 10%. An extra 10% every time we bet will certainly add up!

You can read more about comparing odds and lines, and the benefits it offers, in the following article.

Keep Records of Your Betting

Very few beginners bother to keep records of their sports betting. This is a mistake, for two reasons. First, without any records it's hard to keep track of how much is being spent. And, as we explained earlier, it's very important to monitor spending and stick to a budget. Second, keeping records enables you to study those records periodically and look for ways to improve. This is vital when the long-term aim is to make a profit.

We recommend recording the following information for each wager as an absolute minimum.

  • Selection
  • Odds of selection
  • Size of stake
  • Result of wager
  • Payout received (if wager won)

This information will help you keep track of overall spend (or profit), and it doesn't exactly take long to record. So, there's no excuse for not doing it.

Ideally you should go even further, and keep more detailed records that will allow you to analyze your own performance. We offer some advice for this in our article on record keeping and performance analysis.

The ten tips we've covered so far are all very important. You really need to follow each and every one of them if you want the best possible experience when betting on sports. The remaining tips we have to offer, listed below, are all a little more straightforward. And maybe a little less important. We still urge you to follow them though.

  • Learn the lingo
  • Ignore personal bias
  • Don't get overconfident when winning
  • Don't get disheartened when losing
  • Spend time on research
  • Trust your own judgement
  • Avoid betting when impaired
  • Experiment
  • Join a betting forum
  • Take regular breaks

There are lots of terms and phrases used in sports betting that you may not be familiar with as a beginner. You'll pick most of these up as you go along, but it doesn't hurt to try to learn them before you even get started. We can help with this, as we've compiled a comprehensive glossary of sports betting terms.

Ignore personal bias

Most people place wagers on the sports that they enjoy watching the most, and it's natural that they have their favorite teams and players. They obviously like to see those teams and players do well, and this can easily influence their selections if they're not careful. It's very common for people to bet on what they WANT to happen, without really considering whether that's the right thing to do or not.

Now, backing your favorite team and players is not a major problem when betting for fun. But if you're trying to make money, it's important to avoid allowing bias to cloud your judgement. The best way to do this is simply to avoid any games and events where you have a personal interest in the result.

Although it's hard to pick winners consistently when betting on sports, even beginners can go on a nice winning run from time to time. It's important not to get carried away when this happens. It's easy to become overconfident, and start thinking that you're a betting genius. Chances are, luck just happens to be on your side right now. So please, try to keep your feet on the ground.

Don't get disheartened when losing

It's equally important not to read too much into any losses. Losing as a beginner doesn't mean that you'll NEVER make any money. Not even the best sports bettors in the world win every single wager that they place, and in fact they can easily go on lengthy losing streaks where nothing works out as expected. If it can happen to them, it can happen to anyone. Don't be discouraged if it happens to you.

There's no need to spend seemingly endless hours on research, especially if only betting for fun. It's worth investing at least some time though, even if it's just reading a few relevant news articles, studying basic statistics or keeping up to date with current form. Simply watching sports on television can be considered research too, and that's hardly a chore!

Trust your judgement

There are lots of 'experts' in the media who love to give their opinions about how good certain teams or players are, and make predictions about how events are likely to go. There's nothing wrong with taking on board the opinions of others, but try not to be too easily swayed by them. It's important to put faith in your own judgement above all else.

There's no right or wrong way to bet on sports. There are all kinds of different approaches that can be effective, and the best way to determine what works well for you is to experiment. By trying different systems and strategies, there's a good chance you'll eventually find an approach that yields positive results. You should also experiment with the various different types of wager, and with different forms of sports betting too.

We've mentioned how comprehensive our sports betting guide is, and how much useful information and advice it contains. You can definitely learn a lot by studying it, but it shouldn't be the only resource you use. There are lots of other ways to expand your knowledge too, like joining a betting forum. Just reading discussions between other bettors can be very enlightening, and actually engaging in those discussions is even more useful.

Take regular breaks

How To Win Sports Bets Every Time

Our final tip here is very simple, and one that we urge you to follow. Sports betting should always be fun to some extent, even if your ultimate goal is to make money. Avoid sports betting becoming more of a chore than a choice by taking regular breaks. This will help to keep it enjoyable, and coming back with fresh perspective can help with making good decisions too.

That concludes our top 20 tips, but now we'd like to leave you with one last point. If after following all of our tips, you find that you just don't enjoy betting on sports, don't carry on for the sake of it. Sports betting isn't right for everyone, and there's no shame doing something else with your money instead.

There's also one more route to successful betting we have to offer you. Our resident betting experts provide regular predictions, picks, and tips on sports events. While we can't guarantee that you'll win every bet by following these tips, our experts are profitable bettors who know what they're talking about.

Here's a selection of their latest work, or you can go through everything in our betting picks section.

How To Win A Betting

Whether you decide to follow our picks or not, we still recommend that you learn you to how to bet on sports profitably for yourself. Following all the sports betting tips on this page can help.

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